目前分類:英語學習~ (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

☆ to _ 朝著某目標而去
ex:give the book to me

I want to Kenting.
I left for Kenting.

☆ for _ 朝著某個"方向"而去;對...
ex: Buy the book for me.

☆ with _ 伴隨
ex: I opened the door with a key.

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It won't be long before we hit the road. 上路

scoot over = move over 往旁邊靠一點
scoot up = move up 向前一點

You have to jump at the chance.

Don't prop your feet up.

Fs 1-1

Did I say that out loud ?
lesbian 女同性戀
fixate on
strip joints

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